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When the Martin Luther King Memorial opened recently on the Mall in DC, we started thinking about the other amazing statues you can see right off exits of I-95. Driving long stretches of highways does not have to be boring - you can turn your next trip into a treasure hunt to find these carved jewels.
DC- |
King of Peace
DE- |
Lady of Peace |
MD- |
Disturbing his Peace |
NC- |
End of War - Beginning of Peace |
Keeping the Peace |
ME- |
Piece of Chocolate |
DC - King of Peace
MD Exit 19B: 27 years in the making, a National Memorial to Martin Luther King opened to the public on the 48th anniversary of his "I have a dream" speech. The Mall in Washington, DC was always a sacred place for monuments dedicated to ex-presidents, so okaying a spot for an African-American who was just a "common" man was remarkable; of course, he was an amazing man of peace who changed America for the better.
The MLK memorial was conceived in 1984 by members of the Alpha Phi Alpha, the oldest African-American fraternity in the US, and authorized by Congress in 1996. The sculpture shows King emerging from rough stone with his brow furrowed, arms crossed and looking out over the horizon. Long granite walls flanking the sides feature 14 of King's most famous quotes.
The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin wanted to show him deep in thought, and named it the Stone of Hope. The words were borrowed from his speech "From a mountain of despair, a stone of hope."
King proves that one person can truly change a nation. www.mlkmemorial.org
DE - Lady of Peace |
DE Rte. 9 Exit: You can't miss Our Lady Queen of Peace, high on a hill with her arms outstretched in front of Holy Spirit Church, with the sun bouncing off the 33' high stainless steel statue.
Father Sweeney started the project with the power of prayer. A committee used "Rosary Checks" to record the number of rosaries that an individual prayed for the building of a statue. The goal was for 500,000 before any fund raising began. Not only did the number of rosaries prayed exceed this, but unsolicited donations came in before any formal fund raising began.
Sculptor Charles C. Parks did 2 others on the same theme honoring the Virgin Mary. This one, though, is sometimes referred to as "Our Lady of the Highways", since it sits majestically on the approach to the the Delaware Memorial Bridge.
MD - Disturbing his Peace |
MD Exit 2A: In the newest city along I-95, National Harbor, see if you can find the giant who appears to be emerging from the sand, struggling to free himself. It’s called "The Awakening", and kids use him as a playground.
Created in 1980 by J. Seward Johnson Jr., the sculpture is actually five separate aluminum pieces buried in the sand. The left hand and right foot barely protrude, while the bent left leg and knee jut into the air. The 17-foot high right arm and hand reach farther out of the earth. The bearded face seems to be yelling as he struggles to emerge from the earth. www.nationalharbor.com
NC - End of War - Beginning of Peace |
NC Exit 150A: Directly off this exit, at the entrance to the Quantico Marine Base, you can see a recreation of the famous WW II Iwo Jima Statue created by Felix de Weldon. It is majestically lit up at night.
In a 35 day fight for Iwo Jima, an island that was crucial for US bombing raids on Japan's main islands, 6,821 marines were killed. On February 23, 1945 U.S. Marines from the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, raised the U.S. flag atop Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi.
After being cast in Brooklyn, NY the original statue actually was driven down I-95 headed to Arlington National Cemetery, where you can still see it.
NC - Keeping the Peace
NC Exit 52B: Iron Mike - "The original Iron Mike is a statue that represents all paratroopers in the U.S. Army," said Paul Galloway of the Airborne & Special Ops Museum foundation. It's a 15-foot statue depicting the airborne trooper who is always watching, waiting, and alert. It has been Fort Bragg’s most prominent symbol since 1961, but was replaced there six years ago with a bronze replica. Now everyone can see the original standing outside the Airborne & Special Ops Museum in Fayetteville, NC.
The statue was the creation of the wife of a former deputy post chaplain. Mike's stance reflects an airborne soldier who has completed a combat jump. PFC Michael A. Scambellure, an 82nd Airborne Division soldier, who received the Silver Star for his heroic actions in Sicily, originally inspired the statue. Notice his jaw set with determination, the grenade at the ready, the trench knife at the boots and the Thompson 45. www.asomf.org
ME - Piece of Chocolate |
ME Exit 42: Len Libby - If you've come north to see a moose, you will not be disappointed if you stop here. Lenny the chocolate moose is made of 1,700 lbs. of milk chocolate. He was unveiled on July 1,1997 after having been sculpted on-site in about 4 weeks. Dark chocolate lovers don't despair - there are 3 blac k bears too.
The shop was opened in 1926 by Len Libby, a master candy-maker who was retired but bored. In 1949, Len Libby sold his business to Fernand Hemond, who had apprenticeed here while still in college.
Since you can't eat Lenny, you will have to choose amongst the raspberry cream, coconut roll, peanut butter log, molasses chip, chocolate pretzel or potato chip, caramel marshmallow, peanut cluster, cashew bark, cranberry bog, or buttercrunch. If that wasn't enough, they have 18 kinds of truffles and sugar-free options too (cherry cordials, raspberry jellies, peppermint patties). Open Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun 10-6; June to August: daily 9-9. 419 U.S. Route 1. Tel: 207-883-4897. www.lenlibby.com
What's inside Drive I-95 5th Edition: Here's a FREE look
Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places to run the kids. These can be read for entertainment during the drive, and may entice you to stop, stretch your legs and discover someplace new. 
Don't forget that our radio and TV interviews can always be seen HERE on our site, as well as some of our YouTube videos.
You can also order this new edition right now in downloadable PDF form to be used on a computer, laptop or iPad, or on our brand new adorable USB key pictured here.
PS: Buy this new edition to find creative statues to visit along I-95. Click here or call 888-GUIDE95 (888-484-3395). |