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Driving Interstate 95 will never be boring again if you stop and get scared out of your sox at some of these exits. Why, with gravestones coming alive, mixing with insane prisoners at night in the US’s largest prison, villainous mutineers appearing in seaside alleys, and trying to make your way out of a maze in the dark, you’ll be lucky if you make it home alive.
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Terror Behind Prison Walls | 2 - | Graveyard Ghosts | 3 - | Nautical Nightmares: Blood of the Mutineers | 4 - | Don’t Expect to Enjoy This | 5 - | DROG and TWITTER |
 | 1 - Terror Behind Prison Walls
PA Exit 22: Be prepared when you step inside the Eastern State Penitentiary's 177 year-old rec yard - you'll encounter insane prisoners and sadistic guards. There are six parts to the haunted premises: Yard Out, Intake, Lock Down (Al Capone’s cell), 13 Rooms, The Experiment: In 3D and Night Watch). 
A video introduction starts it off with stories that were filmed here: ghost stories about Eastern State, clips from MTV's "FEAR" episode, FOX’s "Scariest Places on Earth” and Sci Fi’s Ghost Hunters. The tour takes about 45 minutes. Remember not to bring weapons of any kind - guns, pepper spray, pocket knives, lighters, cameras or flashlights - or you could get locked up for good.
If you survive the tour you might want to say some prayers at the Alfred W. Fleisher Memorial Synagogue, which was probably the first to be built in an American prison (1924) and was used continuously until the penitentiary closed in 1970. Then you can soothe your nerves with a visit to the Historic Site Museum & Gift Shop and feast on some batter dipped Oreo's or fresh funnel cake at the snack bar.
This National Historic Landmark is a tax-exempt charitable organization, so you can write off one-half of your ticket cost (excluding TicketMaster charges) as a donation on your income taxes. There’s a downloadable $3 off coupon on their website or you can pick up a $5 coupon at any PA or NJ Lukoil station.
Tours leave from The Philadelphia Zoo, 3900 W Girard Ave.(about 12 blocks from the Penitentiary). Tel: 215-236-3300. Dates: ends Nov 7. http://www.easternstate.org/halloween/
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 | 2 - Graveyard Ghosts |
VA Exit 50B Petersburg - Each year, the Historic All Hallow's Eve Tours take place on Halloween. This candlelit guided walking tour covers the history of Blandford Cemetery and features stories of some of the permanent residents portrayed by costumed interpreters (who pop out unexpectedly from behind gravestones!). Each tour highlights prominent businessmen, soldiers and civilians, as well as tales of an unrequited love and of a friendship with Edgar Allen Poe.

Old Blandford Church was built in 1735 in a parish founded by Peter Jefferson (Thomas' father!), and is one of only 6 churches in the U.S. with a full set of 15 Tiffany windows. During the siege of Petersburg it was used as a Confederate hospital, and in 1901 it became a Confederate memorial to the 30,000 soldiers buried there in the 189 acres of cemetery. Each Confederate state donated money for one of the windows representing the 12 apostles, which were personally and magnificently designed and installed by Louis Comfort Tiffany; he handcrafted the one of St. Peter himself.
There is no vehicle parking allowed at the site for this night. Event parking will be available at the gravel lot east of the Farmer's Market, next to the McIlwaine House (corner of Cockade Alley and Old Street). A shuttle bus drives you to the cemetery, and you are encouraged to bring a flashlight and wear walking shoes.
Tours will begin at 6 pm and continue every 15 minutes until 7:45 pm and last about an hour. Space is limited. Reservations for tour times are required and can be made at the Blandford Church Reception Center, 111 Rochelle Lane, Petersburg, VA. Hours for the Center: Tues-Sat 10-5, Sun 1-5. Tel: 804-733-2396. Date: Oct 31 only. www.petersburg-va.org/tourism/blandford.htm
 | 3 - Nautical Nightmares: Blood of the Mutineers |
CT Exit 90 Mystic - Are you ready to search a darkened seaport village for clues to the captain's unrest? Beware - this village is haunted by a secret that only its ghostly victims can bring to light. Look our for a vengeful captain, a villainous mutineer, a witness driven mad and a jury of the damned. Groups of 20 are led around the Mystic Seaport site to help solve the mystery.

At Mystic Seaport you step back in time in this 19th century maritime village offering everything from tall ships to boarding the very last wooden whale ship to a scale model of the area in 1876, figureheads from the bows of ships, a planetarium, a visitors' gallery overlooking a restoration in progress and the world's largest collection of nautical photography. The permanent seafaring exhibit covers immigrants, traders, explorers, fishermen, artists and vacationers on oceans, lakes, and rivers.
Advance reservations are strongly recommended. This scary event is not recommended for children under 12. 75 Greenmanville Ave., Mystic CT. Dates: October 16-18, 23-25 and 29-31. Tel: 860.572.5322 www.mysticseaport.org
 | 4 - Don’t Expect to Enjoy This |
MD Exit 85 - Aberdeen: Do you dare encroach on the land of RIP-Saw? Do you think you can escape from the grasp of Edwin's bony hands? Do you think you can sleep at night knowing Maggie Rose's spirit is back from the dead? Legends of the Fog includes: a Haunted Hayride, Carsin's Manor, Haunted Corn Maze, the Funhouse and the 5-Acre Maze of Darkness.
The Steel Horse Pit Beef provides a variety of food, ranging from pit beef, pit ham and pit turkey to hamburgers, hot dogs, funnel cakes, kettle corn and boardwalk fries.
Saturday nights are more popular than other nights, and lines can exceed several hours. To avoid a long wait, you should try to arrive between 6:30 and 7:30. This is not recommended for children under 10, and children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. 500 Carsins Run Road, Aberdeen, MD. Dates: October 9,10,16,17,23,24,25,29,30,31. Time: Entry between 6 and 10 pm. www.LegendsoftheFog.com
 | 5 - DROG and TWITTER

You’ll be happy to know that we continue to drog (drive blog = drog) on a regular basis. Our driving adventures demand constant blogging, since there is so much to do, so many yummy tastes and so many things going on along Interstate 95 between Massachusetts and Florida. You can keep checking our web site HERE to see what new things we find and hear about to let you know how to have fun off the road.
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What's inside Drive I-95 : Here's a FREE look
Look ahead exit by exit to see which motels (with 800 numbers), gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, 24-hour pharmacies, auto mechanics, radio stations or radar traps are there, and where you can stay with your pet. We share our stories of the road : history on I-95, museums, trivia, towns to explore or places to run the kids. These can be read for entertainment during the drive, and may entice you to stop, stretch your legs and discover someplace new.
Don't forget that our radio and TV interviews can always be seen HERE on our site, as well as some of our YouTube videos. |
PS: Buy the book to find free activities on I-95. Click here |